Side by side comparisons of Madame Bovary passages. Chapter VIII: via Maude Marmur "On the dark wood panels were large gilded frames with names written in black letters on their lower borders...Those that followed could barely be made out because the light from the lamps, directed on the green cloth of the billiard table, left the rest of the room in shadow. It turned the hanging canvases brown and highlighted only the cracks in the varnish; and from all the large gilt-edged black squares only some lighter part of the painting would emerge here and there--a pale forehead, two eyes staring at you, wigs unfurling over the powdered shoulders, red suits or perhaps the buckle of a garter at the top of a fleshy calf." Chapter VIII, Via Geoffrey Wall "On those dark-panelled walls, great gilded frames each displayed a black-lettered inscription...The rest of the sequence was scarcely visible, because the lamplight, directed down on to the green baize of the billiard...